Summer prices

Valid from 01.05. - 27.10.2024 Adults (born 16 and over) Children (6 - 15 years)
Day ticket chairlift € 30,-
Ascent and descent (there and back) € 15,50 € 12,00
Ascent or descent (one direction of travel) € 12,50 € 9,00
Descent - Lazy Afternoon € 9,00 € 5,00

One child under the age of 6 is transported free of charge per accompanying adult with a valid ticket.

Tip: SAVE with the LAZY AFTERNOON TICKET and take the chairlift back down to the valley in comfort from 14:00.

Niederösterreich-CARD: Receive a free day ticket once a year. A free car park ticket is available at the ticket offices.